Christopher Tracy
Certified Integrative Health Practitioner
Hi everyone!
Over the past six years, I've been on a personal journey to improve my health and achieve wellness and balance. And what I've learned along the way, sad to say, is that the system is ultimately broken. How we approach chronic disease and illness in our society is entirely shortsighted.
That's because standard medical practices propped up by Big Pharma limit our well-intentioned physicians by not giving them any incentive or time to find the root cause of our symptoms. It's just not taught. Instead, those physicians diagnose us then write us prescriptions that we'll end up taking for the rest of our lives.
So here's my perspective: if people are given a chance to improve their health by simply learning about other viable options, they might be inclined to take part. So my mission is not only to advise them about these options but to also take them through the process using a truly integrative approach.
But treating various symptoms is not what I do here. As an IHP, I will instead look to begin the rebuilding/healing process at a root causal level. I'll do this by implementing the De-Stress protocol, which will put you in a position to achieve and optimize your wellness at a cellular level. It's a wonderful thing, and I can't wait to help get you started.